Apr 13, 2007

101 Hotel

Matt and I were talking last night about potential places we'd like to travel to in the near-ish future. I brought up Iceland as a possibility because I've been hearing lately that the low-key island has become quite the destination for Londeners looking for an alternative holiday spot. I also brought it up because I came across a boutique hotel there that looks incredible, 101 Hotel. It's design seems to combine a sleek yet rustic aesthetic that seems to perfectly complement Reykjavik, the city of purity. In fact, the hotel is owned by designer and gallery owner Ingibjörg S. Pálmadottir (her gallery is right around the corner from the boutique hotel). She states that she "used grays, black and white, and clean lines and to convey pure Nordic coolness", but meanwhile there are heated oak floors and fireplaces to keep you cozy (Heated floors=one of my favorite things). I also have to say that I love the way Eero Saarinen's Tulip chairs look in black with the surrounding decor, I always thought this specific chair looked a little too Darth Vader-like in black, but in the below photo I think it looks perfectly elegant. Check out the hotel for yourself by clicking right here.

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