Nov 1, 2006

Sir Benfro

I'm not really tuned into the children's education scene right now, but I've just stumbled across something that seems so refreshing that I had to share. The smart people behind SIR BENFRO are developing an interactive website for children—bridging the gap between educational software and children’s fiction/picture books, and best of all their main charachter, Sir Benfro, isn't creepy OR lame. The creaters say "he's one of life’s gulpers – he doesn’t nibble around the edges". All I can say is finally a hero for children with an afro and a mustache. Paul Smith has designed some accessories for the new brand, and I think the above coffee mug showing Sir Benfro in his skin diving outfit would look great in my cubicle. Sir Benfro's website also has prints for sale as well as screensavers and wallpapers that would be great for your kids, yeah that's right your kids...

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