Feb 9, 2007

Student + Art=Stuart

My well-informed friend Zoya, a fantastic painter studying at The Illinois Institute of Art, recently let me know about this really cool thing that The Saatchi Gallery in London is doing; it's one part online networking for student artists and one part forum to present your work to the world—they call it Stuart, and you can get to it by clicking right here. I was just browsing around for a few minutes and found the work (inspired by Pop/Warhol it seems) of James Derek Sapienza of Brooklyn College. The above print with repeating profiles of Lee Harvey Oswald (I think it's a print) is called "Wild Youth". Harrison has been trying to dig a hole in the couch for about 10 minutes now, so I gotta run. Oh, and more from Zoya in the near future...stay tuned.

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