Jun 17, 2011

>> chippendales on craigslist

Last Friday I drove down to a neighborhood near San Pedro (where the 405 and 110 meet) and bought two 1950s Chippendale chairs (see above left photo). The cushions were beat and the fabric covering them...was, how do I say, a total nightmare. But I knew these were a great deal and had real potential once the cushions were redone. Today I picked them up from the fabric guy and...tada, new living room chairs at a livable price!


Amanda said...

They look great LGM!

Anonymous said...

I love the rug! Where did you get it?

Lizzie said...

It's Madeline Weinrib, four years old or so.


Unknown said...

So flipping jealous! I never run into cool stuff like this. You did such a good job with them. Love.

Jake said...

Looking good! I too love the rug! Thanks for sharing!

Side Tables London said...

They are looking wonderful. Nice work.